communicate with stakeholders


    The Company maintains good and open communications with stakeholders including shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, financial institutions and creditors, and manufacturers and residents around; discloses issues such as integrity, environmental protection and energy conservation, product features, product quality, supplier policy, and employee benefits in the Company's annual report and on the official website. In addition, the Company also has different professional communication channels for issues of concern to different stakeholders , so as to maintain good interaction with all stakeholders. Furthermore, the Company duly discloses information on the acquisition and disposal of assets, and endorsements/guarantees on the Market Observation Post System so that stakeholders can make informed judgments and protect their rights and interests.

1.       Issues of concern to stakeholders:


core value

Focus on issues

Communication channels and frequency


Talent is the core of Tah Tong Group's most important enterprise. Only people can enable us to continue to grow. Letting colleagues work with peace of mind and maintaining enthusiasm for the company and industry is the basic policy of Tah Tong Group.

  • Labor policy and human rights protection
  • Workplace safety and health
  • Employee salary and welfare policies
  • The company regularly holds labor-management discussions and establishes adequate communication channels.
  • Our company’s overseas factories have established trade union organizations to clearly reflect the needs of employees.
  • The company regularly conducts education, training and promotion to improve talent capabilities.
  •   Communicate immediately through employee suggestion boxes, emails, phone calls, interviews, internal instant messaging platforms, etc. when necessary.
  •   Conduct regular production and sales meetings.

Brand owners and trading customers

Customers and brands are not only partners in business execution, but also strategic partners who grow and develop together. We hope to help each other grow and create a win-win situation.

  • Customer communication and complaints
  • Product quality and delivery time
  • Production efficiency
  • Human rights protection and sustainable environmental maintenance
  • Innovative products and technologies
  • Communicate immediately via email, phone, physical meeting, or video conference when necessary.
  • Factory inspections and factory visits.
  • Participate in international exhibitions.

Suppliers and third parties

Continuous innovation and growth require not only Tah Tong Group's own efforts and advancement, but also cooperation and communication with raw material suppliers and third-party manufacturers in order to drive the progress of the overall industry.

  • Product quality and production efficiency
  • Sustainable supply chain
  • Supplier communication and grievance management
  • Communicate immediately via email, phone, physical meeting, or video conference when necessary.
  • Factory inspections and factory visits.
  • Participate in international exhibitions.

shareholders, investors,

financial institutions, and creditors

Creating maximum profits through sound operations and stable growth is a corporate responsibility to shareholders and investors.

  • Business performance
  • Corporate governance
  • Compliance
  • The regular shareholders’ meeting is held before the end of May in each year..
  • Conduct regular briefing sessions for legal persons.
  • A total of 42 pieces of major news in Chinese and 39 pieces of major news in English were released in 2024.
  • A spokesperson system and a dedicated mailbox are set up to maintain smooth communication channels with shareholders and investors.
  • Publish financial reports in Chinese and English every quarter.

Government and competent authorities

Tah Tong Group operates in compliance with regulatory requirements and maintains good relations with competent authorities to assist the government in promoting textile industry innovation and technology.

  • Corporate governance
  • Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management
  • Workplace safety and health
  • Tax governance
  • The annual audit plan implementation status, education and training hours and personnel, and internal control statement are disclosed on the public information observatory.
  • Announce and declare on the website in accordance with regulations.
  • Communicate immediately via email, phone, physical meeting, or video conference when necessary.

community residents

Tah Tong Group upholds a transparent and honest business attitude, lives in harmony with community residents, and reduces the impact on the community environment.

  • Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management
  • Waste Management•
  • Water resources management
  • Communicate via email, phone, etc.
  • Visit communities and participate in community activities.

2.       Regarding issues of concern to various stakeholders, the Company can obtain the required information through the Company’s corporate briefings and the release of various information. The Company also assigns dedicated personnel to respond to individual inquiries.

3.       The company has made a special report on issues of concern to stakeholders and their handling at the 14th meeting of the 33rd session of the Board of Directors on November 7, 2024.

4.       Stakeholders may report in the following ways:

(1)       Employee feedback and reporting on illegal incidents
Tel.: +886-2-2752-2244

(2)       Customer feedback 
Tel: +886-2-2752-2244

(3)       Investor and other stakeholders  
Tel: +886-2-2752-2244